Friday, April 20, 2007

The Illusionist

The Illusionist (No Strings Attached)

The spirit drinks are finished,
Rusted are the wheels and chains,
No smoky trails in mirror relished,
Dismantled by our weary brains.

The magic flowers have withered,
The old hat is ripped and torn,
No phantom rabbits lingered,
In former white gloves never worn.

No dazzling tricks upon us
From your coffers to bestow,
But for the ghostly chorus
"As above, so below".

-- O. Cean - 1337 Magickal Spells

Saturday, April 14, 2007

More numbers

Find numbers N and M such that:
  1. N!*M! + N*(N+M)*(M+M)^N = (N+M)!
  2. N!*M!*(N+M)! = N*(N*M)!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Trial and error

Science is about trial and error: you make an error, then you go to trial.

Metamath problem

Find numbers N and M so you can construct a valid mathematical formula with:
  • N factorial signs (!);
  • M multiplication signs (*), numbers N, numbers M;
  • one equal sign (=);
  • in addition, a plus (+).
and as many parantheses as you want.